“I truly do believe that our bodies can heal and can adapt and change when we change the input we’re giving our bodies.”

– Dr. Doni Wilson


Not long after completing college, Doni Wilson began suffering from migraines. Initially, they seemed tied to her monthly cycles, but soon came on more frequently and without a consistent pattern.

As Doni started naturopathic school, she began experimenting with promising treatments to ease her migraine pain, from diet to detox to acupuncture and beyond. But her migraines persisted.

“I was a student of every possible thing and I was still getting sick,” she says. “In fact, sometimes I even was more sick after some of those treatments.”

After graduation, she moved to New York City to support patients after 9/11. And still, her migraines followed her and intensified with the increased stress.

For years, severe migraines, which included vomiting, hit her about every two weeks, forcing her to rest for days during and after.

Learn how naturopath, Dr. Doni Wilson, finally ended two decades of migraines with diet changes, detoxification, self care, and plant medicine.

What Helped Her Migraine Pain

As a naturopathic doctor, she researched every avenue. Everything pointed to migraines being caused by stress – in all its forms, from the traditional stress we recognize from work or other sources, or stressors such as toxins or infections.

“Ninety-five percent of our health issues, in general, are ultimately related to our stress exposure,” she says. “And what I learned from all this research is that it’s a combination of our stress exposure and really our lack of stress recovery, so it forced me to look at, how am I allowing myself to recover from stress?”

What she uncovered led her to take steps that ultimately stopped her migraines:

  • Self-care breaks – She built in walks outside, time off work, more sleep and other breaks to improve her resilience to stress.
  • Diet changes – Dr. Doni landed on gluten as a possible trigger. By cutting it out of her diet, she curtailed the frequency of her migraines by about 50%.
  • Toxin reduction – She began clearing the toxins in and around her body. Lab testing showed high levels of flame retardant, leading her to toss her memory foam mattress. With that step, her migraines reduced even more.
  • Plant medicine – Dr. Doni tried ayahuasca, an ancient form of plant medicine, based on its promise of calming the nervous system. Following that powerful experience a few years ago, she hasn’t had a migraine since.

These days, Dr. Doni continues to follow the same cornerstones that helped her heal, including diet, a low-toxin life, and self-care and stress recovery. And she has since been in more than 70 ayahuasca ceremonies.

Her own journey, and her experience helping her patients clear their migraines and other conditions, show the body’s resilience.

“I truly do believe that our bodies can heal and can adapt and change when we change the input we’re giving our bodies,” she says. “If we’re willing to change our diet and change our sleep patterns and change our daily routines and figure out which nutrients and herbs are missing for our metabolism – that can be very individualized – then we can solve a lot of health issues.”

You can find her blog, podcast, called How Humans Heal, and her Self C.A.R.E. program at http://www.DoctorDoni.com. You can also find Dr. Doni on Instagram and on Facebook.

Listen or Watch Dr. Doni Wilson’s Migraine Success Story

Listen to the podcast episode on Rebuilding My Health Radio.

Watch the interview:

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