Editorial guidelines for Rebuilding My Health

What’s YOUR health success story?

Rebuilding My Health showcases natural and integrative health success stories to inspire hope and healing in others.

We accept thoughtfully written first-person health success stories that feature your personal story. If you would like to contribute your own written story, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Rebuilding My Health features success stories of those who have used natural approaches, OR a combination of natural/alternative and conventional approaches to heal from chronic, challenging, or complex illnesses or conditions. Your story should highlight how natural approaches made a noticeable or significant difference in your condition or symptoms.
  2. You don’t need any specific credentials to write for us – just an ability to write your story in a clear and engaging way.
  3. Follow our format – Review current full-length stories on our site as a guideline. Stories typically cover the health challenges you faced before, what you tried that didn’t work, what ultimately helped, your health today, and any maintenance steps you take to stay healthy or keep symptoms at bay. Include a few subheads to break up the story and use short paragraphs.
  4. Please don’t include every detail of your health history. Many of us have long health stories (hand raised!), but the objective here is to focus on what really worked for you in alleviating specific conditions or symptoms.
  5. Do not promote or sell your own products or services in the body of the story. However, you may include a one- or two-sentence bio at the end that includes a link or mention of your site and/or social media accounts.
  6. Because health is such a personal thing, you may choose to go by your first name only in the story.
  7. Health practitioners: If YOU personally have a health success story to share, we’d love to see your first-person account. However, if you have clients or patients willing to share their stories, we would prefer that they write their own first-person story or that we interview them for our site or podcast.
  8. Not interested in writing? You may submit a few details about your story for consideration for us to write or interview you for the podcast.

To submit your story

Edit carefully for typos and accuracy, then email it to admin@rebuildingmyhealth.com. Please put the title of your piece in the subject line and the full text in the body of the email. (No PDF’s, google docs, or attachments please.)

If we’d like to publish your story, we’ll let you know. Unfortunately, we’re not able to reply to every submission and only accept those that closely follow our guidelines and mission. We’ll let you know if we need anything else.

By submitting to Rebuilding My Health, you acknowledge that you accept our terms and any form of editing that our editorial team deems necessary.