Hi there! We’re grateful you found us.

Your health success story has the power to help others – but ONLY if you share it. Here’s your chance to give someone else some answers, and most importantly, hope. Be a spark for change.

Please take a few minutes to answer some questions about your health journey. If you’re selected to be featured as a written story and/or YouTube interview, we’ll let you know!

A few tips and reminders before you get started…

  1. Rebuilding My Health features success stories of those who have used natural approaches, OR a combination of natural/alternative and conventional approaches to heal from chronic and complex illnesses or conditions.
  2. Health practitioners: We couldn’t do it without you!  But please don’t fill out the form for clients. Instead, encourage them to get in touch with us. However, if YOU personally have a health success story to share, we’d love to hear it.
  3. Parents: We are looking for inspiring stories about children getting better, but we do not use children’s real names in published stories. To protect their privacy, we would use only the first name or a pseudonym.
  4. While we may mention the products, services, or practitioners that helped rebuild your health, our stories are more about inspiring and educating than about promoting.
  5. Thank you! If we choose to feature you, we’ll be back in touch.
  • We ONLY use your email to communicate with you privately.
  • Briefly, or in bullet form, tell us what health challenges you were experiencing prior to getting better. Include symptoms and any diagnoses.
  • Please briefly tell us about the TOP natural, lifestyle and/or conventional practices that were influential in helping you heal or get relief from symptoms.
  • We share health success stories as a mix of written stories and YouTube episodes. The podcast is paused between seasons.
  • We would reach out to you to confirm details or interview you for more.
  • Do you confirm that the information you provide here and to Rebuilding My Health is accurate to the best of your memory?
  • After you hit "Submit" this takes you back to the "Share Your Health Story" page where you started. It will look like the form wasn't submitted, but it was!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.