“I wanted to get through this. I didn’t want to be sick forever. I wanted to have a life eventually. And so I was very motivated to use all my biohacking technology and my learning to try and support my body through this.”
– Lisa

After her health had suddenly and sharply declined as an adolescent, Lisa and her family searched for answers for more than two decades.

The once-healthy and active child had started suffering from anxiety and panic attacks along with allergies, asthma and gastrointestinal problems. By her teens, she was diagnosed as bipolar and put on antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

The rapid onset felt puzzling to her and her family, as well as to some of the country’s top doctors.

Then, it was her mom, dogged and determined, who suggested she get tested for Lyme disease after hearing a doctor discuss it on the radio.

“The manifestation of one symptom after another that this doctor was talking about, my mom kept thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, this sounds like my daughter,’” Lisa says.

Lyme Disease and Bartonella Diagnoses

Thinking back, Lisa’s mom recalls pulling a tick off her daughter’s hairline after one of many camping trips in their home state of California.

Maybe it was that tick, or another insect they never spotted. But somehow, Lisa contracted Lyme disease and Bartonella, both eventually confirmed via testing.

Each year, approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the Centers for Disease Control. However, the CDC currently estimates 476,000 new cases of Lyme likely occur each year. A Lyme disease diagnosis is often long in coming or never discovered.

Lisa brought a determined and investigative approach to her own health, plus a background in cognitive science, neuroscience, clinical research and biology. She began seeking Lyme-literate doctors and other practitioners, including MDs, naturopaths, osteopaths, dentists, surgeons, chiropractors, colon hydrotherapists, lymphatic therapists, massage therapists and psychotherapists. And her own research led her to what she describes as biohacks to help her heal.

“There’s no one way to treat Lyme,” she stresses. “There are different treatments that work well at different times for different reasons.”

A free guide with natural solutions for easing, reducing or eliminating chronic or complex illnesses such as autoimmunity, gut conditions and neurological disorders.

Lyme Disease Treatment

Lisa’s treatment for Lyme disease and Bartonella ranged from conventional to alternative:

  • IV and oral antibiotics
  • Herbs recommended by the Buhner protocol with high-dose Houttuynia to eliminate Bartonella after relapsing after high-dose oral antibiotics
  • Oxidative therapies, including ozone therapy, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide and high doses of vitamin C
  • Disulfiram (Antabuse), which has been used for years to treat alcoholism. However, it’s been found to be effective against stubborn Lyme bacteria.
  • Colloidal silver, ionic silver, mild silver protein and silver hydrosol (Argentyn 23) as oral, IV and nebulizer treatments to kill pathogens
  • The Rife machine, which uses electromagnetic frequencies to help kill viruses without damaging the surrounding tissue. While not FDA approved, many Lyme patients have found it a valuable part of their treatment.

Frequency-based medicine such as Rife, Lisa explains, can help break through the biofilm that makes pathogens notoriously tough to eliminate.

For Lisa, no single Lyme disease treatment provided the answer. Rather, each tactic helped at the time and moved her forward.

Detox from Lyme and Bartonella Die-Off

Detox practices helped Lisa’s body process the die-off of pathogens.

“If you’re moving stuff through the body, you feel okay. And if you’re not moving stuff through the body, you feel horrible and then you have to back off your treatment,” she says. “So I made it a point to really try and focus on my detox.”

She turned to detox aids such as colon cleansing, infrared sauna, ozone sauna, detoxification baths, manual lymphatic drainage, visceral massage, chiropractic adjustments and rebounding. Additionally, she did liver/gallbladder flushes, enemas, fasting and nebulizing treatments.

Other Infections and Health Concerns

Along the way, Lisa uncovered a host of other health issues through muscle testing and electrical resonance testing: Candida, mold toxicity, mycoplasma, retroviruses, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, dental cavitations, gut infections and parasites, and heavy metal toxicity (mercury, lead and aluminum).
For these, she applied some of the same tactics as her Lyme treatment, along with others.

To support her healing, Lisa began following a ketogenic diet in 2013. She switched to a carnivore diet in 2015, thereby eliminating gluten, dairy (other than butter), sugar, alcohol, corn, soy, fruit, nightshades or any vegetables.

Learn about one woman's Lyme disease treatment and recovery using conventional and alternative Lyme disease treatment

Now: A Lyme Disease Coach and Biohacking Consultant

With all this work, Lisa regained her mental health and energy, and healed her gut.

Now, she’s on a mission to educate others as a coach, biohacking consultant and health educator about the methods that helped her the most and to be a beacon of inspiration for others.

“At some point we go through trials and tribulations in order to help the person that’s one step behind us,” she says. “And that’s where I believe I am now, that I’m one step ahead of where I was. And so now I can reach back and I can help the next person behind me.”

Lisa’s first book, Biohack Your Way Beyond Lyme came out in 2021. In it, she shares her journey and the most effective strategies she’s found.

Her second book, out later in 2021, will cover how she biohacked her body after contracting COVID-19 – more than once.

Her advice for others with Lyme disease, co-infections or other health struggles:

“Trust your instincts,” she says. “By that I mean, just really, really believe in yourself and in your own self-knowledge.”

“Take matters into your own hands because this journey is so much about being your own investigator in owning your journey, like being kind of pit-bull type,” she says. “Having perseverance and grit and determination are everything on this journey because nobody else is gonna do this for you.”

If you enjoyed this story, you might also like: Active College Student Beats Lyme Disease after Trading Antibiotics for Herbs.